Tuesday 30 July 2013

Summer Project

Hi all hope you're enjoying your hols, here is a bit of Summer-time work from Andrew

Book Project  3 July- 5 October 2013

The idea for the project is to take a visual idea and transform it or travel with it sequentially throughout a book or book form,( it could be a concertina form, pop-up or an original concept for a book ).
The image development process can be very varied or subtle eg it might be a visual diary of a plant growing and dying, an abstract graphic response to the page layout, taking a line for a walk, text based, repetition, textural, informative or totally obscure.
You can make the book or buy one, but most importantly you need to consider everything about it, size, quality and layout of each page. The whole book is the work not only the content. It must contain no less than 10 pages ( facets ).

Sophie Calle countdown to unhappiness
Ed Ruscha thirtyfour parking lots
Sam Taylor-Johnson ( Wood ) still life
Anselm Keifer
Zerography, Firstsite, 7 September- 24 November, exploring the influence of the photocopier on art at the 75th anniversary of its invention

The V&A have Artist’s Books in the collection, it’s possible to visit and select books to see.



Saturday 4 May 2013

After the Masters Masterclass 4

Next meeting is on Saturday 25th May 1:30pm- 4:30pm
This workshop will be lead once again by Andrew Vass, Andrew is committed to supporting this project now and in the future. He has set us more homework which is outlined below, enjoy!

Unfamiliar Territory  1- 25 May 2013

Following on from familiar territory I’d like you to consider and work with what is unfamiliar territory and make three pieces ( + extra work pages if you like ).
You can link to the first project and take it into the unfamiliar. Being unfamiliar means approaching everything differently: A change of focus, size, surface and medium; an undiscovered location, an overlooked object ( the Boyle family, Cornelia Parker ); using chance ( Alexander Cozens, John Cage, Richard Tuttle); collaborating ( Sophie Calle ); opposite hand ( Claude Heath).

Briony Fer, The infinite Line.
Zen and the Art of Archery, Eugen Herrigel
Edgelands, Michael Symons Roberts
Chance/ The Every Day /Situation, Documents of Contemporary Art

Art Basel conversations on Vimeo including Richard Tuttle with Chris Dercon

Don't forget to book through Firstsite for this workshop and the following two;
Saturday 5th October 1:30pm -4:30pm
Saturday 7th December 1:30pm -4:30pm

Sunday 21 April 2013

Andrew Vass session

Productive, interesting day under the expert, encouraging supervision of Andrew Vass. Here's a few pictures from the day. I hope I missed no one out

Saturday 16 March 2013


Yay! Thank you Stuart, back on the blog! Don't quite know what happened with my account, too much clicking!
Last workshop was great with Andrew, hoping to see the video that Sarah made of our chalk drawing during Blue's slow walking on here soon.
Next workshop SATURDAY 20th APRIL 1pm - 4pm
Andrew has given us homework! See you all then £15 paid through Firstsite (I think)

PostMA  Artists

Three Hour timed project Familiar Territory 9th March – 20th April 2013

The idea for this project is to make work within a limited time frame, in response to a personal space. You can divide the time up as you like. So it could be five minute line drawings made at the same time of day ( visual diary style ). Or a photo shoot then print going towards a mixed media piece . A three hour painting. Fifteen minute portraits of objects on the mantelpiece etc.
You’re thinking about scale, media, concept and time scale.


The Poetics of Space, Gaston Bachelard
In Praise of Shadows, Junichiro Tanizaki
Return of the real, Hal Foster ( art and theory )


Abstract Critical http://abstractcritical.com/
Painter’s Table http://painters-table.com/
Making a Mark http://makingamark.blogspot.co.uk/

Saturday 19 January 2013

Really pleased that this was so successful. I'm just sorry I didn't get time to come and see you - hopefully next time.

Drawing session with Andrew Vass

A thoroughly enjoyable afternoon's drawing. Andrew is an excellent tutor and thoughtfully inspired the group to generate some very interesting work. I'm really looking forward to the next session. Thanks to Judith for organising and Sue for the feedback.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Hi Guys,
I got a mention in the latest A-N monthly digest under 'Artists Talking Highlights' for my A-N blog 'Un-Fictions Snapshot etc', my Post-MA research and development log.  Not much of a mention really, but non-the-less, it got noticed. Happy with that.  Link is this if you want a look: http://www.a-n.co.uk/artists_talking/projects/single/2501346
Bye Steve

Saturday 5 January 2013

Interesting find.......for me anyway


A late Xmas pressie to myself. Artists, photographers and journalists consider the ongoing participation we're all burdened with viewing images of human atrocity.
Also considers 'post-photography' with the brilliant Alfredo Jarr.'